1. Is this a scholarship or grant program? Do I have to pay for the education?

No, Studia works as an intermediary to introduce our students to relevant university partners, financing partners so that they can pursue their academic goals. Our primary partners provide student loans to our students to cover the extend of their studies, but not a scholarship or a grant. However, we can help students by providing information from the universities regarding scholarships once they are admitted.

2. Do I have to pay Studia? 

No, as of 2023 Studia is open to all students who are qualified for STEM Master's programs in North America at no cost. You are however expected to cover your own expenses during the application process, such as application fees for universities or visa fees directly to the government.

3. It seems too good to be true, is it a scam?

Studia is a team of former international students who believe that all qualified students from all ethnic, religious, financial backgrounds should have the opportunity to advance further in their academic careers. Studia does not take money from our students and we work with reputable partners accredited and recognized by the governments of United States, Canada, UK, Australia, etc. If you have concerns regarding Studia and our practices please feel free to reach out to us in the Contact us page and we are happy to answer your questions.

4. Can I apply even if I don't have an English Exam Certificate?

Yes and No. If you come from an English speaking country (where it is defined as English being the official language of your country, and that it is recognized by the United States as an English speaking country) AND you have received your recent education in English, then your English Exam Certificate could be waived. If not, we will be requiring a valid English Exam Certificate (TOEFL, IELTS, ITEP, Duolingo, etc.)

5. How Can I prepare myself to be accepted into the program?

Our team go through hundreds of applications a day and your preparation will make it easier for your application to go through. Please make sure that:

- Your documents are up to date and your passport has validity of at least over a year
- You have uploaded the correct documents, each document under its own file, with proper naming (i.e. Transcript John Smith)
- You have an updated CV with a clear breakdown of your education history, from when to when you have studied there, employment history all on the first page
- You have provided all necessary information, including your program preference, your GPA, your emergency contact information
- You frequently check your email and communicate with our team. We are a small team and it means the world to us if you are enthusiastic about your studies

6. Is my data safe with Studia?

Yes, we care about your privacy and we are extremely careful in maintaining your data private. We only use world class recognizable platforms in maintaining and saving your information. For details on our privacy terms please refer to our Privacy page at the bottom of our home page. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us on our contact us page.